Thursday, May 15, 2014

Works CIted

Jones, Troy, and Kristen Cuthrell. "Youtube: Educational Potentials And 

Pitfalls." Computers In The Schools 28.1 (2011): 75-85. Education Source

Web. 15 May 2014.
McKinney, Mitchell S., and Leslie A. Rill. "Not Your Parents' Presidential 

Debates: Examining The Effects Of The CNN/Youtube Debates On Young 

Citizens' Civic Engagement." Communication Studies 60.4 (2009): 392-

406. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 May 2014.

"Youtube Stars." Advertising Age 85.8 (2014): 18. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 May 


"The Brief But Impactful History of YouTube." Fast Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2014. 


As you can see YouTube, while still having great cat videos, is a great place to go learn things. Things as simple ad makeup or how to make a drink. To more complex things like who to vote for in the election. You can catch up on news and learn about different cultures. Its an amazing tool that should be utilized in classrooms. It has a positive effect on students. It allows you to show off your talents and even get paid for them. Its an amazing platform. It gives you a space to advertise to  get to know your public's. It allows you to get in-touch  with people all over the world. You can even get discovered and even make a movie. Its the way of the future.

Lets get political

As I mention before in 2007 CNN, aired the presidential debates for the first time on YouTube. Doing that actually had a large impact on how younger citizens voted. In an article written by Mitchel S. McKinney and Leslie A. Rill. They credit a part of Obama's win to the sheer amount of Facebook  posts, chain text and YouTube videos that were put out there.

They believe that using these social medias, encouraged people to go out there and vote. I feel like its been said so many times that our votes don't really count, and as we can see from the 2008 election that is just not true. They downside to using YouTube is that the clips of the debate that were put online where chosen based on entertainment value as opposed to actually merit.

One of the great things about CNN using YouTube is that she set up these sort of meet the candidate videos, where people could come and  ask the candidates questions. those videos where then posted online and I think that, that created a sort of connection to each candidate. It helped people see them as real people and not just someone talking on their TV. The down side for these candidates is that if they messed up and answer the whole world could see it.

Everyone knows that's how you get famous

Not only is YouTube a great way to learn, its also a great way to express yourself. It allows you to reach out to people all over the world. There are even YouTubers that get the chance to go out a tour these different places. Take for example Grace Helbig, who started out with a daily vlog called Daily Grace, her show became an internet mega-hit. I like to refer to her as one of the Queens of the internet. The other two Queens are Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart, no relation. Mamrie host one of my favorite shows on youtube called You Deserve a Drink, which combines two of my most favorite things drinking and puns. Hannah also combines drinking and puns with cooking on her show My Drunk Kitchen. The three of these girls make me laugh on an almost daily basis.

They have recently go on a tour of London Dublin to go out and meet their fans, they also created a movie last summer. Since they have started using YouTube, they have gotten sponsorships and been on TV shows and commercials. Using YouTube is the new way to put yourself out there and get some recognition for all the things you can do. 

This platform allows us to get out there. Instead of waiting for someone to come find you, you can go find them.  This is they new way to live.

Lets Learn

Some people like Troy Jones and Kristen Cuthrell, believe that we should used YouTube in classrooms. I happen to agree with them. They believe that because up and coming generations are born into this technological age, that things like YouTube impact how children develop emotionally and cognitively. Also technological advances have allowed teachers to meet the needs of all learning types. They talk about how using videos to teach allows the students to engage both sides of their brains. Which I think is amazing. Having the lessons on YouTube, also allows students to go back and re-watch and review things after the class has ended.
By putting YouTube in classrooms I think it sets up students to want to use YouTube as a learning tool. If they are taught from the very beginning that this can be a tool to learn as opposed to a tool for procrastinating. Then I feel our world will be a much better place.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Super Smrt

YouTube is also a place where people can go and share ideas, that don't just have to do with make up. If you look at the Ted Channel, you see Ted Talks posted. Which is an amazing series where they invite speakers to come and take and show off, the knowledge that they have. Its a very smart and fun program. It is one of the most positive things on YouTube. It is also one of my favorite ways to learn.
Another amazing way to learn, is The Moth. Which is a series hosted by NPR, where they invite authors and story tellers to come and share their stories. It has helped me get over my bouts of writers block as well as introduced me to some writers I now love. It is another one of the most positive ways one can learn via YouTube.
Its something that everyone should check out.


One of the most popular things to YouTube is make up tutorials. And there are some amazing ones out there. In fact there are people who make their living just on their tutorials. for example

Michelle Phan
Category: Fashion and beauty
Subscriptions: 6M
Total Views: 900M
She has six million people who follow here and can't wait to see her new make up tutorial 
To me that is amazing. YouTube allows us to connect with experts, its away for them to reach out to us viewers and teach us something. The best part is its free for us to watch, they make money based on views. So we don't pay anything and they still get money. It's a win win.
The down side is anyone can post a make up tutorial, myself included. See below
while YouTube is an amazing source of information, you need to make sure you check out the person credentials, or else you could walk around looking like that.

How to fold like a witch

Now I could go on and on about the merits of YouTube and how certain videos changed the world and at some point I will. But for now I wanna talk about a video that changed my life. How to fold a shirt in 2 seconds. Yeah 2 seconds, sounds crazy right but apparently you can do it. I mean if this British guy can, so can I.
After watching this video I came to two conclusions, one this man is a witch and two this is impossible. So i decided to try it for myself. Lets see how it goes.
As you can see, I have learned a new skill maybe. Idk most of my shirts go on hangers anyway. But when it comes to moving all be all set and super speedy.

Valentines day

YouTube was birthed on valentines day in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. Since then it has been home to many videos, mostly those of cats, which I am totally okay with. Because who doesn't love cat videos
But it wasn't until April 23rd of the same year that a video was first uploaded to YouTube. It was a 19 second video of the above mentioned Karim at the zoo.
The first advertiser to embrace YouTube was Nike in October of 2005. In October of 2006 YouTube was bought for 1.65 billion dollars by Google, because Google wants to own the whole internet. In July of 2007 CNN aired the presidential debate for the first time on YouTube. That to me is the most important milestone of YouTube. Because it shows that YouTube isn't just for cat videos any more its a place where you can go to learn.